Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 8 of Challenge!


Something that looks sooo graceful, but requires such strength and stamina. Not to mention flexibility and muscle tone! I didn't have to search around for today's workout video, it actually found me. I clicked on over to Youtube and I saw a ballet workout for the thighs and bum right in my feed.

I loved it.

The workouts I did today were the first two videos in the above picture. I did not realize that Mary Helen Bowers was the woman who trained Natalie Portman in the Black Swan (where have I been?). But I felt a burn throughout each section.

However, seeing a body like Mary's makes me tempted to kind of feel like the hippo doing ballet in Disney's Fantasia.

But then I realized it is feelings like that that make women want to give up all together. Which brings me back to the "mission" of this challenge. It is to get fit in an affordable way so I can be my best self. Not compare my body type to anyone elses! So, I will press on!

And speaking of pressing on, my splits need a LOT of work. I used to be able to touch my foot to my head! So, I need to keep working on these!

Flexibility takes time. And pain!
Overall, I am feeling really good. My abs are sore from yesterday and know I will be sore in my upper thighs after today! Bring on Day 9!

See my video as I get ready to work out! 

And here I am 10 minutes later.... Crying... LOL!

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