Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 13 of Challenge!

Being that today is Sunday, I made it a Fun Day and only did two simple workouts. Both were from XHIT Daily and both were Victoria's Secret themed. No, I am not obsessed with the lingerie Angels... It just seems to be the body that most women are after, so popular videos cater to that.
That isn't to say I would complain if I looked like one, but I do like my sweets! ;)

So here was my VS arms workout.

How to get arms like....
I did not find it difficult at all, but that was perfect for today. The instructor had an amazing body and I liked how energetic she was. But do you see how she is just instructing in her living room? She doesn't need a degree or a fancy studio to help others work out!

And then I ended with VS abs!

How to get abs like...
Again, easy, but still a good workout. I have not done many XHIT Daily videos, but the ones I have done were swell and I will "HIT" them up again very soon!

Now, tomorrow marks 2 weeks into my challenge, but I have to say that I do not think I am making as much progress as I could be. I must confess that I have a sweet tooth. A reeeaally sweet tooth. Dinner is 9 times out of 10 followed by dessert. Maybe 10 out of 10... I am sure I can cut back a little more, but I also have to be human and allow myself something or I don't think life will be very fun anymore!!

So, here is to cutting back a teeny weeny bit in the sweet department. Bring on day 14!

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