Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 14 of Challenge!

Two weeks in and going strong. Except for my little confession yesterday about the cake and ice cream thing and the fact that I woke up this morning feeling really sick. Like sore-every-time-I-swallow sick. Dumb!

But I worked out a little anyway. I will not stop my challenge because I have a cold! So today I did a BeFit video for thighs.

Aye, aye, Cap'n!
So... Never in my LIFE have I watched a fitness video where the instructor criticizes one of her backup girls, but that is exactly what happened here. The instructor kept looking back at her two extras and saying things like, "You are not low enough!" and "I thought you were up too high!" It was so awkward. I mean, work out the kinks before you post, yeah?

I did continue the workout because I ain't no quitter, but I was glad she couldn't see me! I mean, the way she runs her ship is up to her, but it made me not want to watch it again.

Well, that's all I did today and there is no video as I am saving my voice! But I did not stop and that is worth feeling good about. :)

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